Early years and childcare providers

Read government core guidance for Early years foundation stage (EYFS) statutory framework.

Achieving for Children provides local safeguarding resources and guidance.

Designated safeguarding lead (DSL) forums 

Each term we host a safeguarding forum for DSLs from early years settings and childminders. The event is online. The invitation and link to join is sent out from us via the AfC Early Years team.

The dates for the 2022-23 academic year forum meetings are as follows: 

  • Autumn: Wednesday 16 November 2022, from 7 to 9pm on Zoom 
  • Spring: Wednesday 15 March 2023, from 7 to 9pm on Zoom 
  • Summer: Wednesday 28 June 2023, from 7 to 9pm on Zoom  

For further information, email Lucy MacArthur at lucy.macarthur@kingrichlscb.org.uk 

Education representatives at Strategic Leadership Group 

Our Strategic Leadership Group includes representatives of the education sector. If you have anything you want bringing to their attention, such as strategic themes to take forward, email Lucy MacArthur at lucy.macarthur@kingrichlscb.org.uk 

View Early years newsletters for further information on this.