Safeguarding in education

Safeguarding in schools is essential for keeping children safe. 

Local guidance

We have produced some guidance for schools: 

Other helpful information: 

The Mayor of London has created this teacher's toolkit on Ending gender-based violence and abuse in young people's relationships

Government guidance

Read Keeping children safe in education, the statutory guidance for schools and colleges on safeguarding children and safer recruitment.

Additional government guidance to be aware of is: 

Section 11 Audits 

Schools need to submit an annual Section 11/175 safeguarding audit to us. There are no rules about which audit tool you use, but we would encourage use of our online audit tool which will be issued to schools directly by our Education Safeguarding Coordinator in spring 2023 for requested completion in the summer term. The template we provide generates an action plan for schools to take forward. 

SAFE Day resources

Substance Advice For Everyone (SAFE) Day is Monday 4 March 2024 and is for every school with children aged 11+ (including independent schools) in Kingston and Richmond boroughs.

To deliver SAFE day, schools should use the following resources:

Lesson plans

View the SAFE Day lesson plans overview. You can download the individual lesson plans below. Please note these are large files which will automatically download to your computer.