Section 11 Self-assessment

If your organisation provides a service to children and/or young people, or comes into contact with them, you need to ensure you have effective arrangements in place to safeguard and promote their welfare as per Section 11 of the Children Act 2004. 

KRSCP have commissioned use of a web platform for partners to undertake section 11 audits and these will be requested by the partnership as applicable via email with a unique link to the audit. You can access further materials about how to use the online audit tool in the PHEW Audits Respondents Manual.

How we use your information

We use the information that you supply to monitor safeguarding arrangements across the boroughs. This allows us to identify areas of strength - which can be replicated. It also allows us to determine what resources or targeted support we can offer to address areas for development. This might include, for example, training courses.

For Section 11 Self-assessments in schools, view Safeguarding in education.