Guidance, policies and procedures
Multiagency safeguarding and the work of safeguarding children partnership is founded in the statutory guidance Working Together to Safeguard Children 2023 (GOV.UK).
Partner agencies are primarily directed to work with the London Child Protection Procedures. These provide a comprehensive basis for multiagency safeguarding across London consistent with the statutory guidance and best practice.
Explore the sections below for a range of statutory, regional, and local guidance as well as policies, procedures, and other resources by topic and/or sector.
- Adverse childhood experiences and trauma informed practice
- Allegations against an adult working or volunteering with children
- Baby and infant safe sleeping practice guidance
- Bruising in non-mobile babies
- Child death review
- Child exploitation: guidance for professionals
- Children missing education
- Child looked after reviews
- Child protection conferences and risk outside the home reviews: guidance for professionals
- Child sexual abuse: guidance for professionals
- Contextual safeguarding
- Domestic abuse and MARAC: guidance for professionals
- Early help: guidance for professionals
- Early years and childcare providers
- Female genital mutilation: guidance for professionals
- Harmful sexual behaviour
- Historical abuse
- Identity
- Information sharing
- Interpreters and communication facilitators
- Joint Targeted Area Inspection preparation
- Missing children
- Modern day slavery and trafficking
- Neglect: guidance for professionals
- Online safeguarding
- Organised and complex abuse
- Private fostering
- Safer recruitment
- Resolving professional differences
- Safeguarding in education
- Safeguarding key contacts poster
- Safeguarding in the voluntary, community and faith sector
- Section 11 Self-assessment
- Serious child safeguarding cases
- Signs of safety
- Think Family
- Threshold
- Transitions to adulthood
- Whistleblowing
- Was Not Brought